quarta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2006

Gimme Your Stuff


I’m Diana. I’m a new member of Gimme Your Stuff (I hope). I like things about others cultures. I was 1year in Finland and there I meet a lot of people from other countries and we change some things, knowledge about each country that we come from. Now I want to change things from other countries to knew what they have. I want to change things like food, souvenirs, postcards, etc.
Also I will return with some things from my country. Thank you.

You can visit me on:
http://delphinazulpensamentos.blogspot.com/ .

6 comentários:

Natasha disse...

Hi, im from Singapore and would love to swap things with you. I come from a multi-racial country so there are so many types of food i could send to you! let me know if you're interested, mail me at incestbites@hotmail.com. Hope to hear from you soon :)

Meghan disse...

hey! I'm Meghan and I'm from Minnesota in the US. If you're interested, we can swap. You can see my list here: http://sporkseater.blogspot.com/2007/03/swap.html

or you can email me at: SporksEater@yahoo.com

Good luck!

shoeswithsoul disse...

Hi! I'm Tina from New York City/Providence, RI in the US. I would love to swap with you if you were interested. :)


Miss.Kendra disse...

Would you like to swap with a girl from california!? i love sending colorful packages full of neat things. Im a shopoholic!


Anónimo disse...

I'll like swap with you!
I'm cecilia from italya and i love swapping. I can send suoverinrs, tipical food and what you want if possible =)
Write me at: trotter_anderton@hotmail.com

Patita disse...

Hello! My name is Patricia and I'm a Mexican-American. I came across your blog about swapping and I'd LOVE to do one with you. Here is my blog so you can see what I can offer http://patitaintexas.blogspot.com/ I can pretty much offer anything within reason from the USA and Mexico. I'm very responsible and will follow through with a swap. I hope you're having a great day and hope to hear from you soon! Patricia